Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Make, Do and Mend

My last Christmas project this holiday season is for my other sister's sewing room.  She is amazing at her wonderful creations and creative projects.  I once again had the idea influenced from the magazines that I have collected over the last year or so.

Thanks again for reading, come back to see my next project in the new year.  It is a welcome door sign.  I started it last summer.  It is quite big.  Originally I worked out it might take me 18 years to do it, but I have come much quicker at stitching so lets hope it comes along faster.

Season's Greetings to all

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


I was walking in a little town the other day and I saw this awesome wall plaque with all these funny coffeeology quotes on it.  They were all very funny.  Immediately I though of my lovely sister who loves her coffee.  So I made her this as her Christmas present.  Again I must apologise as I have forgotten to take a photo of it all ironed and framed.  I will get better at doing that.

Thanks for reading

Monday, December 23, 2013

Nana's To Do List

I couldn't post this one until the recipient had received it for their present.  I saw a cute sign on a google search.  So I decided to put the quote I read into my own cross stitch pattern.  The only photo I managed to take of this little project was un-ironed and it is missing the red ticks that were stitched beside each task on the list.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Cupcake Stand - Yum Yum

This one looks good enough to eat!  

It took me just over a month to complete.  Of which I spent about 2 hrs each evening doing it.  Sometimes more hours were spend on some days than other days.  A whole lot faster than the garden scene.  Enjoy the pics of its development.

And the finished product, framed and ready to wrap for Christmas:

Sunny Day's in the Garden

I collect a UK magazine that has some awesome patterns in it.  And this was one of the very cute scenes I found.  I have a very good friend who just loves being in the garden.  So I started this about 3 months before her birthday one year and finished it about 18 months later.  Yes, I know that is a super long time.  But I did get it finished and boy it looks good.

A brief history...

Hi Everyone.  I know there are those who love following my little projects on Facebook so I have set up this blog so that I can place the pics on here and keep a record of how the projects are going.  I am not the worlds most experienced cross-stitcher but I love the peace and tranquillity of sitting down with a project and seeing it grow and become a piece of art that can be used in so many ways.

I began cross stitching when I was younger.  My blessed mother was gracious enough to sit beside me and guide me through learning lots of different stitching patterns.  Straight stitches to square stitches to one that my mother described as chicken scratch.

Since then I have progressed to some more demanding projects.  Some that have taken years to do and some that have taken a few days.  The more I do it the faster I become.  So enjoy the projects as I share them.